#SweetMaryKane Federal Criminal

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Just go with your gut Sweet Mary Kane

                   Despite what you may have thought, over here in Colorado, we have to pick the stems out of our bags just the same as you. What I haven't seen in a long time though is any seed come through. When you buy your cannabis from a dispensary, finding seeds in your sack would create an immediate conflict of interest. They can't have you turning around and growing your own if they want to stay in business now can they? So I'd say finding a seed around here is pretty much like finding gold.

Say you did get a seed though, what would you even do with it? Well if you were not paying much attention you'd probably smoke it. You would hear it too, that moment. You pull the Bic flame back from the bowl as if they could save the poor seed inside. Like a kid who finds an empty Easter egg, that same instant you would feel the crushing reality of empty promises. Okay so maybe that's a little bit dramatic.

Instead, you might find yourself uninterested or too busy and simply eat the seed or throw it out. Maybe you feed it to your dog, I had a dog once who love to find my stash. Perhaps as a practical joke you poke the seed into the planter box in front of the police station and hope for rain.

You may, on the other hand, find yourself drawn to bring life to this little seed. The bookshelf next your desk just might be filled up with books about cannabis from seed to sale. If the first two are true, plus you owe your life to cannabis, there's no avoiding a trip to the nursery for potting supplies. For me,  there has been something about finding the seed and making the effort without investing financially that makes this project fun. I appreciate the challenge of it, I can feel my synapses firing wildly, and I like it. So I spark a blunt, put my feet up, and start seeking solutions. Before you get too carried away, you may want to prove your seed can be germinated.

You will need:
  • Ziploc baggie
  • Paper towel
  • Water

First for the paper towel so that it is fixed on both sides and will fit into the Ziploc bag. Next dampen the paper towel with tepid water (guys if you don't know what dampen the means go ahead and stop here, and start searching the Internet for the difference between moisten, dampen, and soak). There now we can move along. Place your seed inside with equal thickness on both sides and set aside in a warm area out of direct sunlight with the Ziploc unsealed for two days. Peek at your seed. Is it getting green? Does it seem to have a life? Place Ziploc in a warmer area with some direct sunlight for part of the day. Around lunchtime blaze some herb and decide to make a grilled cheese sandwich. Eat your sandwich outside, dining surrounded by all this life will remind you that you are trying to grow life yourself inside. Check on your seed, did it sprout? It did! Amazing so did mine.

Nice job Sweet Mary Kane, now what you can do with this? For now leave it in this baggie until I come up with a free idea. Eat dinner, have ice cream and brownies for dessert, realizes Solo cup is the perfect idea. (In the morning I found out I didn't have any Solo cups, I lucked out though and found a $.49 starting pot.) I wouldn't consider that if financial investment. As a matter of fact, I don't consider five dollars a financial investment, so when I saw the bag specifically labeled seeding soil cost $4.20 I took it as a sign.

Before lunch this day I was transferring my little seed with the squiggly tail into its new home. I watered the soil and let the water drain. Then I covered the planter with ‘press and seal’ and poked some holes across the top. For now,  I'll be keeping it in a warm place out of direct sun. Can't wait to see what happens next and of course I haven't named it yet. We have yet to meet. For pity sake I didn't give my son a name for two weeks after we did meet! There's no way I can choose what to call this plant without the pleasure of knowing it. I am, however, open to suggestions.

*The paper towel shown in photo one is not actually pink it was the best I could do to contrast the sprout for visibility.

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