#SweetMaryKane Federal Criminal

Monday, October 7, 2013

Fight for Our Children's Freedom

Did you know that when Dr Marshall and Dr Warren discovered that stomach ulcers were actually caused back a bacterium, rather than stress, none of their peers believed them? This discovery had to be proven by Dr Marshall ingesting the bacteria himself, causing him ulcers which he then documented and cured with an antibiotic. Still today it is a common misconception, outside of the medical community, that many believe: only a stressed person would develop ulcers.

Dr Lindsey N. Micel, the lead oncologist at Children’s Memorial Health is holding onto the misconception that chemotherapy is the only intervention for cancer. She is head strong that the book must be followed to the letter. This isn’t surprising given that she has a history of instructing.  All the while researchers are developing alternative treatments for cancer developing globally.
Shameful Dr Lindsey Micel Unethically Forces Poisonous Treatments
Lead Oncologist Spearheading the Mission to Force Chemo on Landon
1984! It was 1984, when Dr. Marshall’s frustration with his theory and evidence being dismissed, that his inflicted medical illness on himself so that he could prove it. 1984 was nearly three decades ago and we haven’t learned a lesson from H. pylori?

What if Dr Marshall hadn't had the guts to slug down that beaker of broth laced bacterium?  10% of the population was suffering at the time and the numbers would have only grown with no recognized cure.

These guys were doctors who didn't respect one another enough to give a second thought to their fellow physicians’ theory, which by the way was correct! So I can see how the doctors of Children Memorial’s Hospital would be quick to dismiss the beliefs of a mother with no MD behind her name. Being dismissive is a far cry from forcing treatment however. Adding medical doctor to the end of your name isn't authorization to override a mother’s beliefs.

Big Pharma writing instructions for how to use their poisonous chemotherapy isn’t a license for the state to step in and force anyone to submit to their profiteering protocol.

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Speak out parents! United we stand, divided we fall.

One Love ~ Sweet Mary Kane

P.S. Check out Memorial Hospital's Mission Statement:

"Our mission

When it was founded in 1908 in Denver, Children's Hospital Colorado set out to be a leader in providing the best healthcare outcomes for children. That calling has consistently made us one of the top 10 children's hospitals in the nation and a place parents across the Rocky Mountain region have come to trust."

Well guess what? You can't be trusted after this monstrosity!


  1. Who do you think you are? You are not God and do not always know what is right.How dare you think that pputting that poison in that beautiful baby is the only way to save him. I have seen things that don't follow your protocols work. I understand your need to think like a doctor but remember these are people's loved ones and they have choices outside of yours.


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