#SweetMaryKane Federal Criminal

Saturday, July 27, 2013


Sometimes a girl’s just got a come clean, not that I ever had any reason to lie to you. You see the thing is you might think that I'd never had a sip of alcohol the way I'm so vocal about my disdain. The truth is if you would have seen me back in the day you've been convinced I would die from my love affair with alcohol.

That's right, this sweet little girl, used to drink and swear and run amuck with the best of them. I guess that's one of the things that make it so terrible to lose my cousin to a drunken driving accident. Don't get me wrong he wasn't hurt by someone else he was the driver who drank. That doesn't change the fact that I lost him.

In fact, this is actually the second DUI he would have been facing. It had been quite some time since his first; I suppose I just wanted to assume he was unlucky and that he knew better now. We weren't that close to begin with, me growing up in Oregon him in Colorado, but that's no excuse for my neglecting to offer my help. I can't take back the things I never said, but if I could, I would've said to him, one time in private, “Cousin, if you never want to drink again, you don't have to. Call me anytime.”
It is funny how you could interpret” taking back the things you never said” to suggest that someone twisted your words, and you can't apologize for what they thought you meant, but not me. Me, I always interpreted to mean, if you don't speak from your heart - if you don't have the courage to say the things that need to be said you will regret it. Boy, do I DUCKING regret that.

There was never a pitcher to live who had anything on the curve ball that the universe will throw you. And so I guess the message is this: Too Bad, Don’t Drink!

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