#SweetMaryKane Federal Criminal

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Thursday's Pot Thoughts: Volume Something or other

Its lovely to hear the birds chirping away in the mornings to wake me up and the afternoons to keep me company again. The wildlife here is incredibly brave. In fact, just this morning, the slender squirrel that we call Timothy walked right up to the sliding glass door and put his paws on it while we sat not two feet away from him, egging him on and calling him as though he were a pet. There are robins too, big fat robins, with bright red chests. They pounce about the yard snatching up worms and disregarding my close proximity. 

The sunlight hours have grown which is more suitable for myself (winter is not exactly my favorite time of year). I'm super ready to get our garden planted this year. I should fill the bird house while I'm at it. Its been warm enough for me to wake up to an army battalion of ants devouring the smallest little corner of a corn chip that had been missed. I love it when its warm. I hurt less when I'm warm. 

I'm ready for 420 to be warm. Nine more days. Blink of an eye. How much can one girl prepare? 420 is probably my favorite. It is the day I set aside each year to really REALLY focus on practicing just being open. I like to not make plans and just go whichever way the wind blows me. And wouldn't you know it? I continually meet the most; amazing, brilliant, powerful, generous, hard working, resilient, brave, spirited, well versed, caring, people. Side note: Incomplete list due to that just being enough of a run on sentence already. NINE DAYS! 

Writing about spring is making me want to clean and so be it a short blog, a blog it be non the less. 

One Love,


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