#SweetMaryKane Federal Criminal

Friday, February 28, 2014

SMK gives up SMJ: Day Eight

Sweet Mary Kane update Cannabis cleanse day eight. Starting to miss my Cannabinoids and resorting to OTC drugs.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

SMK gives up SMJ: Day Seven

Sweet Mary Kane is over protective of children, especially hers. She's not above shoving frosting up your nose if you smash a kiddos face into their cake and she darn sure isn't going to let threats slide. If she was having withdrawal from a Cannabis addiction how the devil could she handle herself with tact?

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

SMK gives up SMJ: Day Six

Sweet Mary Kane's day six Cannabis free has been busy, BUSY, B.U.S.Y.!! Beanie giveaway inspired by C4CPR underway, Cannibuzz shirts ready thanks to Weed Pimps, JP Wellness got the hook up on the ganja for my man, and Dreams? What dreams? I make plans.

Links: C4CPR - http://www.c4cpr.org/
Beanie Giveaway - https://www.facebook.com/SweetMaryKane/photos/a.237462386415791.1073741827.232005433628153/270331053128924/?type=1&theater
Cannibuzz - http://www.cannibuzz.com
Weed Pimps Clothing - http://www.weedpimpnation.com
JP Wellness - https://www.facebook.com/jpwellness420?fref=ts

Monday, February 24, 2014

Sunday, February 23, 2014

SMK gives up SMJ: Day Three

Speak Easy on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SpeakEasyVapeLounge/info
The Speak Easy Vape Lounge: http://speakeasylounge.info/

Quick #Raw check in. Day three off Cannabis. No complaints. Sorry about the lameness of this one, not familiar with my new laptop yet and ready for bed.