#SweetMaryKane Federal Criminal

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thursday Pot Thoughts: Volume 5

Why is it that life seems to throw everything at you at once? I had plenty of time to write my blog this week until I took on four document projects with imminent deadlines. Two power points, a slideshow/movie, and a PDF later my eye balls are rolling around in my head. Staring at this screen my eyes are playing tricks on me. Yet I feel a responsibility to get out this blog, if only I can make it before that midnight EST so its still Thursday in the US at least. While it would have been nice for everything to come at me slower, maybe a project every few days with deadlines at least two weeks out, I wouldn't change my life for the world.

I seriously just nodded off at the keyboard so I'm just going to leave you guys with 10 facts ... you'll get over it.

1. I believe that the prohibition of Cannabis is L.O.N.G. overdue to be lifted.
2. I would rather hear "Fuck YOU MOM!" from my kids than "I hate you."
3. I believe in reincarnation 
4. In Shakespeare’s time, mattresses were secured on bed frames by ropes. When you pulled on the ropes the mattress tightened, making the bed firmer to sleep on. That’s where the phrase, “goodnight, sleep tight” came from.
5. It's not that I hate gaga, I'd just rather her go away now.
6.One in three dog owners say they have talked to their pets on the phone.
7. I've lost 52 lbs since moving to Denver.
8. In Oregon they list the hair color you were born with on your drivers license. In Colorado they have a bald option.
9. The DMV employee still asked me what I wanted to list as my hair color.
10. If you put a raisin in a glass of champagne, it will keep floating to the top and sinking to the bottom.

One Love ~


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Dear Cannabis: Will you be mine?

Valentine that is, when I say to you "be mine" I do not me that I should own you. You bring me the type of joy one can't hide behind sunglasses. Give me such wealth of love its abundance overflows from my soul. And I would have to say this is one of those open type relationships. Not open like I don't care who else you see but open like I trust you and I don't care who else you see, as long as you see me.

Cannabis, you have saved me from myself a time or two. Relieved my own pain on numerous occasions and so much more. Your potential amazes me. I look forward to discovering more about you as we grow old together. The number of ailments and people you have helped is astounding. You inspire me to be a better me.

I promise to, maintain integrity, moderately educate, investigate science, assert my voice to our elected officials, exhibit professionalism, and manifest global quality of life improvement while showing my support for you. I want to be your valentine every day.

All my love,

Sweet Mary Kane

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Is she going to do it?

Is she going to miss a blog post -  not one, but TWO weeks in a row!? Well, yes. Almost? Kind of.

There seems to be so many things as of late that I want to say. Things I love, things I've just discovered, things that amaze me, intrigue me, fascinate and inspire me. Small things. Things that frustrate me. Things that make me happy. Random things and focused things. Some how, altogether, nothing at all. And that is why this is not a real blog post.

I have a tendency to write in a sort of erupting fashion. I ruminate for days, sometimes weeks, quietly about something and then I sit down with a joint and it oozes out of my finger tips. I pause to smoke, and I smile at Bob Marley on the wall next to me. I breath deeply. I shut my eyes sometimes. I look back at the screen and start to nitpick, but remind myself to read the sign on the wall Write First. Edit Later. I know the sign is lying to me, I won't have time to 'edit later'. I smoke, and I write. I occasionally feel disassociated as though my fingers and my mind are working together from different planets.   I have been interrupted with the question "What is your blog about this week?" And been unable to respond without pulling the blog up to check. I love it. When I have something to say and my fingers just has to sprinkle the keyboard with some message I love it. Today, however, that is less than true.

Today I don't have that 'urge' to write. Believe me, it is not a lack of medication either. I'm perplexed by the change. Is it just that I missed last week? Am I simply exhausted and something has got to give? I don't know what it is, but nothing can change that it's my thing and sometimes I love the blazes out of this thing so I will fight for it.

So there it is. Thoughtless. Written. Published. Amateur. You're welcome.

The only thing that is different this week is I don't have a message or a story really. If I had to pick out a message, I suppose it would be to take better care of yourself and do the things that you want to do that you love to do because now is your time. Now is my time. Right now, is the only time.

One Love ~ SMK