You may have already seen Landon, of #TeamLandon, on social media websites and in the news, but there is more to him than the clips can show you. The first time I met Landon he was out cold under general anesthesia and the levity of his transcendent nature was evident withal.
Having a propensity to devour scholarly peer reviewed articles and winding about the Cannabis crowds in Colorado predisposed Landon's story to catch my attention as it came across my desk. I was blown away. This little boy had survived both Leukemia and the chemotherapy treatment before he'd even turned three years old. And now here he was living proof of everything I'd been reading; apoptosis of Leukemic cells, the benefits of Cannabis, right in front of me!
While doctors continually declared that most children did just fine with the standardized protocol of pediatric chemotherapy Landon was busy proving just how unique he really is. It was no easy battle and the severity of reaction to the treatments is blatant throughout the photograph documentation of his battle.
By the time the universe had placed me in his presence Landon was in remission. His hair had returned, he'd put on weight, he was smiling, developing, talking up a storm and taking Cannabis. In Utah the chemotherapy put Landon's Leukemia in remission, but telling the medical team about his Cannabis use was too risky at the time. He moved to Colorado to procure the Cannabis oil that had given back his life essence under the protection of Colorado's state constitution as a registered medical cannabis patient. Surprising doesn't begin to encompass the feeling that washed over me upon discovering that, although he moved to the state blazing trails of emerging medicinal benefits linked to the endocannabinoid system, Landon's new oncology team would demand that he undergo three more years of chemotherapy.
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Sweet Mary Kane Holds Landon Post Forced Chemo |
My Guru, Landon continued
Let me take a minute to explain, Landon's blood work came back again and again confirming he was in remission. Witnessing firsthand the dramatic improvement once he began taking the Cannabis oil the family on his team called a medical meeting. Their request? So long as Landon remains in remission; monitor his status with weekly blood work, suspend standard chemotherapy protocols, stop steroid treatment, and continue alternative treatments including Cannabis, organic diet, and supplements. The intensity which he experienced side effects when under common protocol was simply not worth it unless he relapses.
Request denied. In fact in addition to receiving forced chemotherapy every 30 days Sierra and Landon have also been subjected to numerous threats to break up their family and several visits from child services at the request of the medical professionals on his team. No parent should have to go through the hardships that come with having a child with cancer. So why are they making things worse?
Often times when we see things in the news it seems unreal to us. I assure you Landon is a very real little boy. I have held him and comforted him while he feels terrible after chemo sessions. I have laughed with him and played many games of make believe. I have learned from him a multitude of lessons. I have let him scream in my face and told him I love him no matter what when the medications and the reality of his sentence to three more years of poisoning are simply too much for him, a four year old, to cope with. He has won over the hearts of my children, my partner and many the world wide.
Landon still needs your help however. There are still MILLIONS of people whom have not been reached. Who still believe in the reefer madness propaganda, the D.A.R.E. era, and have no idea that the endocannabinoid system even exists. I am personally calling you to action. Even if you don't use social media, create your account and follow #TeamLandon everywhere. The more followers' #TeamLandon has the higher 'relevance' ranking they have. The higher their ranking the more publicity social media will give them, which means they'll show up in more ways and at the top. That said I challenge you to invite your friends, families, and followers to do the same.
Spread the word, Cannabis is good medicine and if you want to see some evidence click HERE.