Earlier this week I intended to finish a blog just in case my week caught up to me I would be prepared to release it on Thursday as usual. Unfortunately my attempt was just that - I got out half of nothing really. This has been a long and testing week for me. I am exhausted. This is all you get.
I'm love you.
I miss you.
I'm taking a nap.
See you in my dreams.
Peace and Blessings: Now and Always,
#SweetMaryKane Federal Criminal
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Thursday Pot Thoughts: Volume 3: Roseanne Barr 2012
In 2008 I wanted to be able to vote FOR someone and had my fingers crossed that for Hillary over Barack simply because she was a woman and I thought it was about time - I mean I have a love/hate relationship with feminism but seriously how long did it take for women to get the right to vote after all men could? The answer is nearly half a century! How the hell did it take 49 years when we are practically equal in numbers?
I received my mail in ballot yesterday and Roseanne Barr is really on it. I thought that it was just a joke she made at her roast but there she is listed as Peace and Freedom party. I love peace. I love freedom. Why the devil not? I'm thinking. What difference is my vote going to make anyway? I recently saw Roseanne say in an interview that it wasn't like she was taking the vote from Obama or Romney they've already got their party member's votes. My silly little vote can't possibly affect the overall outcome, but I have to say she just may actually steal at least one vote from the duo - mine.
You see normally I vote against someone by casting my vote for the opposing party Republican or Democrat. Normally I would be voting either Romney or Obama. Normally I would justify to myself how it is perfectly acceptable to cast your vote against someone rather than for someone and reason that if I didn't do just as I've always done then my effort would have been a waste. Maybe I'm getting old and senile or maybe this year there is something in the water but what I would normally do is definitely in question. In fact it's under downright scrutiny.
What would make me want to vote for Obama or Romney? If either one came out in support of ending the prohibition of cannabis they would instantly be attractive to me. Problem: Romney wants to fight legalization tooth and nail (now I can't have the federal government meddling in my states business). Obama well ... I'm torn. I have a feeling the number of federal shut downs during his term is simply due to the increased number of establishments in general. Regardless I am still severely disappointed by his stance on the issue. I mean honestly you're going to try to feed me that we should be educating people about Cannabis? Because that's exactly what I've been screaming at you with hand written letters, phone calls, and emails! OK so wanting to vote for either of those guys is out of the question.
With that established again I have to ask myself. Honestly what would make me want to vote for someone boils down to the willingness to stand up for the truth. The audacity to speak up and side with the people. The courage and humbleness to educate and end the war on Cannabis. So I looked it up. Roseanne does support legalization OPENLY! Actually she supports a lot of stuff that I like. Really, what is the worst that could happen if I voted Roseanne Barr? Why shouldn't I do something because it's what I want to do & not what I think is expected of me (even if most strongly expected by none other than ME!)? Do I need to do the things because I want to in order to be happy? I might.
What if I didn't wake up anymore?
I received my mail in ballot yesterday and Roseanne Barr is really on it. I thought that it was just a joke she made at her roast but there she is listed as Peace and Freedom party. I love peace. I love freedom. Why the devil not? I'm thinking. What difference is my vote going to make anyway? I recently saw Roseanne say in an interview that it wasn't like she was taking the vote from Obama or Romney they've already got their party member's votes. My silly little vote can't possibly affect the overall outcome, but I have to say she just may actually steal at least one vote from the duo - mine.
You see normally I vote against someone by casting my vote for the opposing party Republican or Democrat. Normally I would be voting either Romney or Obama. Normally I would justify to myself how it is perfectly acceptable to cast your vote against someone rather than for someone and reason that if I didn't do just as I've always done then my effort would have been a waste. Maybe I'm getting old and senile or maybe this year there is something in the water but what I would normally do is definitely in question. In fact it's under downright scrutiny.
What would make me want to vote for Obama or Romney? If either one came out in support of ending the prohibition of cannabis they would instantly be attractive to me. Problem: Romney wants to fight legalization tooth and nail (now I can't have the federal government meddling in my states business). Obama well ... I'm torn. I have a feeling the number of federal shut downs during his term is simply due to the increased number of establishments in general. Regardless I am still severely disappointed by his stance on the issue. I mean honestly you're going to try to feed me that we should be educating people about Cannabis? Because that's exactly what I've been screaming at you with hand written letters, phone calls, and emails! OK so wanting to vote for either of those guys is out of the question.
With that established again I have to ask myself. Honestly what would make me want to vote for someone boils down to the willingness to stand up for the truth. The audacity to speak up and side with the people. The courage and humbleness to educate and end the war on Cannabis. So I looked it up. Roseanne does support legalization OPENLY! Actually she supports a lot of stuff that I like. Really, what is the worst that could happen if I voted Roseanne Barr? Why shouldn't I do something because it's what I want to do & not what I think is expected of me (even if most strongly expected by none other than ME!)? Do I need to do the things because I want to in order to be happy? I might.
What if I didn't wake up anymore?
Friday, October 12, 2012
Sure you have your favorite dispensary and the one closest to your house and several decent back up or while I'm here spots you've likely liked on Facebook, but why stop there? Every dispensary is on the front lines fighting to end the prohibition of Cannabis. We should show them all our support, love and gratitude. I put together this Colorado Springs, CO list for convenience of my Colo Springs followers to ease the process of liking them all. Happy advocating! One Love ~ SMK
Acme Smoke
Advance Cure for Vera Bestura
Alternative Medicine Colorado Springs
Altitude Organic Medicine
Amendment 20 Caregivers
American Wellness Center
Bijou Wellness Center
Briargate Wellness Center
Broadmoor Wellness Center
Canna Meds Wellness Center
Cannabis Therapeutics
Crossroads MMC
A Cut Above
Doctors Orders
Enlightend Care
EZ Natural Alternatives
FRAM - Front Range Alternative Medicines
Green Earth Wellness Center
The Green House
Green Pharm
Grow Life
Happy Buddha Wellness
Hawaiian Herbal Health Center
The Healing Canna
Heavenly Medical Caregivers
H.E.M.P. - Higher Elevation Medical Products
The Hemp Center
The Herb Shoppe
Humboldt Care and Wellness Center
JP Wellness
Levity Wellness
Maggie's Farm
Marisol Therapeutics
Medical Cannabis Caregivers
Mountain Medicals
Natural Mystic Cannabis Caregivers
Nature's Way Wellness Center
Pain Management Solutions
Pikes Peak Alternative Health & Wellness
Pikes Peak Cannabis Caregivers
Pure Intentions Wellness Center
Pure Medical
Rocky Mountain Medical
Rocky Mountain Miracles
Rocky Road Remedies
The Secret Stash Progressive Medicine
Simple Care Wellness Center
Southern Colorado Medical Marjuana
Third Day Apothecary
Todays Health Care
Total Health Concepts
Tree of Wellness
Trichome Health Consultants
We Grow Colorado
A Wellness Centers
White Mountain Medicine
Acme Smoke
Advance Cure for Vera Bestura
Alternative Medicine Colorado Springs
Altitude Organic Medicine
Amendment 20 Caregivers
American Wellness Center
Bijou Wellness Center
Briargate Wellness Center
Broadmoor Wellness Center
Canna Meds Wellness Center
Cannabis Therapeutics
Crossroads MMC
A Cut Above
Doctors Orders
Enlightend Care
EZ Natural Alternatives
FRAM - Front Range Alternative Medicines
Green Earth Wellness Center
The Green House
Green Pharm
Grow Life
Happy Buddha Wellness
Hawaiian Herbal Health Center
The Healing Canna
Heavenly Medical Caregivers
H.E.M.P. - Higher Elevation Medical Products
The Hemp Center
The Herb Shoppe
Humboldt Care and Wellness Center
JP Wellness
Levity Wellness
Maggie's Farm
Marisol Therapeutics
Medical Cannabis Caregivers
Mountain Medicals
Natural Mystic Cannabis Caregivers
Nature's Way Wellness Center
Pain Management Solutions
Pikes Peak Alternative Health & Wellness
Pikes Peak Cannabis Caregivers
Pure Intentions Wellness Center
Pure Medical
Rocky Mountain Medical
Rocky Mountain Miracles
Rocky Road Remedies
The Secret Stash Progressive Medicine
Simple Care Wellness Center
Southern Colorado Medical Marjuana
Third Day Apothecary
Todays Health Care
Total Health Concepts
Tree of Wellness
Trichome Health Consultants
We Grow Colorado
A Wellness Centers
White Mountain Medicine
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Mommy Housewife Confessions
Becoming a single mother of two boys under two years old at 20 years old isn't exactly the American Dream. Working 50 - 60+ hours a week and sometimes two jobs and often 7 days a week for months on end leaves plenty of room for resentment to fester. When the hell am I going to get a moment to raise my own kids!? I remember often thinking such things as I would drop them off at a day care or school. It seemed that I rarely had the opportunity to spend time with them and when I did I wasn't exactly at my best. I'm not a morning person, but I can get them ready on zombie mode. And after a long day at work I wasn't really good mommy material either. I began daydreaming of an alternate life where I could stay home and really dedicate my efforts to my children and family. It's not as though I would make as much money as a man anyway!
Recently (within the last three months) I have had the opportunity to live life as a 'stay at home mom' and I'm discovering, just like anything else, there are both pros and cons to my circumstance. I don't know whether to be pissed off at the feminist movement or at the lack of progress, but some days this gig just plain stinks.
On the bright side both of my children are excelling both in academics and extra curricular areas of they're growth. We're in a prime location with everything we need. I have been able to teach them basis skills they'll need when they move out like folding laundry and doing dishes. I may not get what they're going on about always (I'm not so good at following video game conversations) but I'd say we're closer to understanding each other that we have been before. It's nice to have the time to do the extra things when cleaning like wash the base boards and vacuum the air vents. It makes living more comfortable.
Then again, cleaning the base boards doesn't pay me and no one else seems to think that it's a valuable contribution to their lives. Plus I'm bored. Folding laundry, shopping, cooking, cleaning, and driving everyone around isn't exactly exhilarating. I hardly get a second to really focus on just me and when I finally do I'm exhausted. If I want to earn some extra money I have to pile more on my plate and I have more than enough to handle already. It's like a trap of guilt. If you don't work you're a bad mom for not contributing financially to the family and if you do work you get robbed of those moments of exploration and understanding you should be guiding them through. What's a girl to do?
Keep writing I suppose.
Recently (within the last three months) I have had the opportunity to live life as a 'stay at home mom' and I'm discovering, just like anything else, there are both pros and cons to my circumstance. I don't know whether to be pissed off at the feminist movement or at the lack of progress, but some days this gig just plain stinks.
On the bright side both of my children are excelling both in academics and extra curricular areas of they're growth. We're in a prime location with everything we need. I have been able to teach them basis skills they'll need when they move out like folding laundry and doing dishes. I may not get what they're going on about always (I'm not so good at following video game conversations) but I'd say we're closer to understanding each other that we have been before. It's nice to have the time to do the extra things when cleaning like wash the base boards and vacuum the air vents. It makes living more comfortable.
Then again, cleaning the base boards doesn't pay me and no one else seems to think that it's a valuable contribution to their lives. Plus I'm bored. Folding laundry, shopping, cooking, cleaning, and driving everyone around isn't exactly exhilarating. I hardly get a second to really focus on just me and when I finally do I'm exhausted. If I want to earn some extra money I have to pile more on my plate and I have more than enough to handle already. It's like a trap of guilt. If you don't work you're a bad mom for not contributing financially to the family and if you do work you get robbed of those moments of exploration and understanding you should be guiding them through. What's a girl to do?
Keep writing I suppose.
Thursday, October 4, 2012
SMK's Thursday Pot Thoughts: Volume 2
Last night I watched the debate at the local papers' office. This morning I was in the paper and my son is so ecstatic he had to buy a second paper so he could take it to school. I've been assured that is a normal reaction for a twelve year old and I think its kind of cute. It wasn't much of anything, an avatar sized photo and a quote about having not made up my mind.
I found the debate extremely difficult to focus on and was deeply disappointed by the lack of respect for the mediator. Not that he was innocent in the whole thing, he most certainly should have commanded the stage with multitudes more authority than he mustered. I was embarrassed for every one's behavior at one point or another.
I took notes but they were sporadic and nonsensical. I felt like often the two debaters were saying the same thing with different words and calling it a disagreement. The rules were out the window and it was uncomfortable to watch helplessly as Jim Lehre was unable to reign the conversation in.
Having walked away from the debate with no new information or epiphanies my vote is still up in the air. I'm still uncertain whether I will vote for or against someone. What I do know is there is still plenty of time for anything to happen.
I am not thrilled with Obama's record of DEA raids on MMJ dispensaries. Let me set the record that I strongly believe any business breaking the rules should face penalties and consequences. If a dispensary sold to my child I would march on them for a shut down no question. One the other hand however patients need safe access and I believe all people have the right to be well. With that said the number raids during his term in office exceeds even that of George W. Bush? OK I can justify that one with statistics, of course the number of shut downs will rise in positive correlation with the increase in dispensary locations. Alright, I tell myself, he said he'd keep the Feds off my state but its plausible he's doing the right thing. Now Romney, he said he'd fight us tooth and nail. He insist that Cannabis is a gateway drug. I really can't believe that you're in the running for Presidency and you haven't taken the time to educate yourself. If you can not recognize, at a very minimum, that Cannabis has great medicinal value you are completely out of touch with reality. Romney did mention that he believes states can better take care of themselves. How then can you say that if elected you will fight Cannabis legalization tooth and nail? The two concepts seem like oil and water to me.
So I guess what I am saying is that I probably won't make up my mind until I am actually casting my vote, but I know the one thing that will never get my vote. If I suspect for one second that a candidate would not honor state rights I am voting against them whether or not I adore the other guy. If Oregon, Colorado or Washington State, pass any of they're Cannabis Regulations this November I want to believe that the Federal Government will stand down and let us care for our own. I wholeheartedly believe we can improve ours schools, our work force, and our health through Cannabis and Hemp. As the number one issue to me this election I am sure either party could sway me with the promise of legalization.
One Love ~
P.S. I attached my notes for fun :-)
I found the debate extremely difficult to focus on and was deeply disappointed by the lack of respect for the mediator. Not that he was innocent in the whole thing, he most certainly should have commanded the stage with multitudes more authority than he mustered. I was embarrassed for every one's behavior at one point or another.
I took notes but they were sporadic and nonsensical. I felt like often the two debaters were saying the same thing with different words and calling it a disagreement. The rules were out the window and it was uncomfortable to watch helplessly as Jim Lehre was unable to reign the conversation in.
Having walked away from the debate with no new information or epiphanies my vote is still up in the air. I'm still uncertain whether I will vote for or against someone. What I do know is there is still plenty of time for anything to happen.
I am not thrilled with Obama's record of DEA raids on MMJ dispensaries. Let me set the record that I strongly believe any business breaking the rules should face penalties and consequences. If a dispensary sold to my child I would march on them for a shut down no question. One the other hand however patients need safe access and I believe all people have the right to be well. With that said the number raids during his term in office exceeds even that of George W. Bush? OK I can justify that one with statistics, of course the number of shut downs will rise in positive correlation with the increase in dispensary locations. Alright, I tell myself, he said he'd keep the Feds off my state but its plausible he's doing the right thing. Now Romney, he said he'd fight us tooth and nail. He insist that Cannabis is a gateway drug. I really can't believe that you're in the running for Presidency and you haven't taken the time to educate yourself. If you can not recognize, at a very minimum, that Cannabis has great medicinal value you are completely out of touch with reality. Romney did mention that he believes states can better take care of themselves. How then can you say that if elected you will fight Cannabis legalization tooth and nail? The two concepts seem like oil and water to me.
So I guess what I am saying is that I probably won't make up my mind until I am actually casting my vote, but I know the one thing that will never get my vote. If I suspect for one second that a candidate would not honor state rights I am voting against them whether or not I adore the other guy. If Oregon, Colorado or Washington State, pass any of they're Cannabis Regulations this November I want to believe that the Federal Government will stand down and let us care for our own. I wholeheartedly believe we can improve ours schools, our work force, and our health through Cannabis and Hemp. As the number one issue to me this election I am sure either party could sway me with the promise of legalization.
One Love ~
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Nonsensical Notes of Unimportance |
P.S. I attached my notes for fun :-)
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